Why I got married at 22

April 4, 2004
For most people, when they heard of my engagement to my then boyfriend and now husband Tata they immediately speculated that I was pregnant. For the record, we got engaged on February of 2003,  married on April 4, 2004 and on July 20 of the same year we found out I had an ovarian cyst which was making it difficult for me to get pregnant. Also, Iago was born on January 14, 2006. (I hope that clears everything) I got married at 22 because I wanted to start sharing my life with my husband as soon as I could. It was a very good decision on my part and I will give you a few reasons why.

1. I am now 32, married for 10 years with 3 wonderful children all over the age of 2. I am also an HR Manager in the country's leading fastfood company. (Who said you cannot have it all)
2. Gone are the days of sleepless nights taking care of an infant. I did all that in my 20s and now I can sleep well at night without getting up to feed a crying toddler or change soiled diapers (my youngest son Rocco is already potty trained! Yay!!!)
3. I am now into getting all my 3 boys ready and prepared for grade school life. Which means, they will be home less and less. They will reach home pretty much the same time that we would arrive from the office.
4. Because I am done with bring out children into this world (my youngest was born to us when I was 28) I can now concentrate on other things like my career, my masters, learning how to play golf with the hubby and losing weight.
5. I may have missed out on a lot of clubbing because when all other 20 somethings were busy checking out the hottest clubs, I was busy pacifying my new born son or cooking dinner for my husband but I would say that I didn't miss out on a lot. The years some feel I threw away, were actually the best in my life.

If I were given a chance to do-over my 20s, I would still do it the same way I did. Bring out all the children I can manage to push into this world before I reach 30 so I can still enjoy them while I am young. Of course, we all have our priorities in life. Mine was to be a wife, mother and have a great career!
