My relationship with Christian Grey lasted for 2 days |
After resisting reading this sought after series, my inner goddess finally gave in. Much to my disappointment, Ana Steele turned out to be such an annoying character in the book. Similar to Bella Swan of the Twilight series, she was always a damsel in distress, waiting for her prince to save her. I totally disagree with this kind of plot. (writers should rethink their story lines) I believe that the women of today should earn their own money and learn to save themselves from any form of danger. Needless to say, the idea of equality of the sexes remains to be a myth. If we desire equality, we should strive for it in every aspect of our lives. No more expecting to given a seat my a man in the MRT. No more waiting for someone to open doors for us. No more relying on men to fix things for us in the house. Until such time we are ready for equality, all women will fall for the Christian Grey's of the world.