I have heard both sides, I've done my research and I am Pro RH. Allow me to walk you through my thought process on coming up with this decision.
First point, I am a daughter. As a daughter I was fortunate to come from a small family with 2 siblings. We all went to good schools and were provided with material things, house helpers, trips abroad and gadgets (until now, thanks to my mom) that were always of the best quality. Though my mom had me at a very young age, we (except for yours truly) were all planned pregnancies. My parents chose the contraceptive that suited their lifestyle and my sibling's births were all planned and my family was always financially ready when they came.
Second and third point, I am a wife and a mother. As a wife and mother, I have to take charge of my own health. My husband and I have agreed to use contraceptives because I need it (due to my endometriosis) and this is the best method for us. We have three wonderful boys, whom we can afford to send to good schools, buy them the things they need, provided them with yayas and take them out to trips. For us, three is enough and if a fourth were to come, we don't want him/her to arrive in the near future. This decision I believe is ours to make. Providing our boys with comfortable lives is our top priority. I am just fortunate that my husband and I are on the same page on this issue.
Fourth point, I am Pro Life. I believe that all life is a gift from God. Coming from someone with fertility issues, I consider myself lucky to be blessed with children. There is nothing in the RH Bill that speaks of abortion as what the other side says. Nor does it promote premarital sex. I also do not agree with the claim that people will be more promiscuous with the passage of the bill. Truth be told, teens are having sex as you read my article and this is not the result of the RH bill. Tomorrow, there will be a fifteen year old girl crying and desperate because she is pregnant and she does not know how to tell her parents. She and her boyfriend will decide to get rid of the baby before they ruin their lives. She will have complications due to the abortion and no hospital will want to treat her. She will die. Is her life not important as much as her unborn child?
Fifth and final point, I am Catholic. I was born a catholic and I embraced my religion with my whole being until I was shun away by the "church" I love because I was taking contraceptives. In one homily the priest said that those who are Pro HR are not welcome in our church, I walked away and never looked back. I made the choice to use contraceptives not just as a catholic but as a mother and wife. I still believe in my religion and for what the church stands for, comforter of those in need and defender of the oppressed. With my stand on the RH Bill, I believe that I am standing for those wives who cannot say no to their husbands. Those mothers who are not educated enough to understand what happens to their bodies every time they are pregnant. Those children who are forced to stop studying because their parents do not have the means to send all 12 of them to school. If you are reading this article, the RH bill is not for you because you have money to pay for internet access so I am assuming you can pay for your own birth control method. The RH Bill is for those who cannot pay, cannot afford and simply do not have the capacity to fight for their right to have a chance at a good life.
I will not argue with the other side. I have good friends and family members who are Anti-HR. Just remember that laws are usually passed to help those who are discriminated, maginalized, abused and oppressed. Hence the Labor laws, Laws for women and handicapped. The same is true with the RH bill. It is not for you and me. It is for Juan and Juana who are not educated and do not have the means.