This special boy named Gael

Gael is no different from his brothers. He whines, he giggles, he complains and he farts…all the same, all normal, or so people think. My husband and I try very hard to raise all three boys with no bias and no special treatment. Gael is reprimanded and punished just like the other boys. Especially since he has more of the mischievous traits. What sets him apart from his brothers is the acknowledgment that he will be with us for the rest of our lives. We have been resigned to that fact and actually welcome never having to experience what most parents dread (or relish for some) the “empty nest” syndrome because one “chick” will always be home just like my brother Benju who is also in the spectrum. We have also been conscious with making sure Benju and Gael will have a place in our home.

Strangers, acquaintances and well meaning friends have told me more than once that he looks normal. I take no offense in statements like those but really he is not. It’s not even just a delay…it’s seriously a disorder. What pains me is that they don’t see that it’s really okay for us. People always say he will grow out of it and he will be cured. First, autism isn’t something you outgrow, second, it’s not a disease you get cured or vaccinated from, it is a lifelong disorder and real people go through it.

Gael is a gift to our family and people do not have to feel sorry for us as parents. He may never graduate or hold a degree but then again he may. He may never meet the love of his life and start a family or he just might. Yeah yeah, some of you may say it’s the same uncertainty that a parent of a normal child will also feel. I am overanalyzing it and overthinking it again as I always do. But wait, remember that we are parents to both special needs and “normal” boy. And I tell you that the uncertainty of Gael’s future is just not the same.

I am anxious and scared for Gael because while the world is full of people with good hearts it is also full of those who oppress people who are different. I pray we will live long enough to make sure he will have a good future and that the world will be kinder to special needs people like him and Benju.

#Gaelsadvocate #Autismspeaks #Autism
